Monday, September 23, 2013

Not So Hidden Old World Home

This house was located off a very busy street. But thankfully there was a "county forrest park" right next to the house. We were able to park at the forrest and walk to the house with very little challenge. This was a huge two-story house with a a two story sunroom, full basement and 5 bedrooms. 

Picture of the back of the house. The front was on a busy street so we couldn't get a picture.

First floor

You can tell this is an old house because no plywood was used.

There were lots of kids toys left behind.

The upstairs sunroom

The bottom half of the front staircase was knocked down.

The back garage

It seems that the garage was burnt down

Appeared to be two stories and perhaps have a live in area. 

One of my favorite authors, F. Scott Fitzgerald once said this, "Beautiful things grow to a certain height and then they fail and fade off, breathing out memories as they decay. And just as any period decays in our minds, the things of that period should decay too, and in that way they're preserved for a while in the few hearts like mine that react to them." So let's let the memories of the past fill our hearts as F. Scott Fitzgerald suggests.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Urbex: Our Definition, Rules and Interests


Until one year ago neither of us had heard of this term before. Urbex, short for urban exploration, is defined by wikipedia as "the exploration of man-made structures, usually abandoned ruins or not usually seen components of the man-made environment."

Nick's sister took her wedding photos outside of an abandoned warehouse downtown Milwaukee about 6 years ago. One day we were in the neighborhood and he decided to show me. There was no way to get into the building but that sparked an interest in us to look for other abandoned buildings to explore.

Nick has developed a strong interest in building structure and real estate. At first I (Shannon) was just in it for the pictures and a good time. But now it's become a hobby of ours. I am the picture taker and Nick's the inspector. That brings me to...

Our Urbex Rules
1. You cannot disturb or take anything from the property. Leave the property in the same condition you found it.
             "Take only pictures, leave only footprints"
2. We've had many people see our pictures and ask where the property is located. But that breaks rule number two, which is to not disclose the address to just anybody. 
3. Wear a sweatshirt, thick pants and old tennis shoes. We've had to maneuver through birdox, thorn bushes, six foot tall grass, broken glass and had to crawl to hide from busy streets.
4. Have fun :)

This is our blog to share our adventures with anyone interested. Stay tuned!