Monday, January 13, 2014

Solvay Coke & Gas

A Milwaukee area urbex blog would be incomplete without a post on Solvay. Although much of the plant has been demolished it is still a neat place to check out. This plant was closed around 1983, but this prime Milwaukee real estate has not been taken advantage of due to environmental hazards. To this day, the EPA continues to oversee investigation on this site.

Side note, these pictures were taken on two different occasions; if you see snow in the picture that's from our most recent trip.

How we had to climb to the second floor. Going up was easy, coming down was pretty scary. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


This duplex was torn down shortly after we visited it. You'll see below one of the families leaving indicated they lived there from 1985-2013. The house had major water problems; the basement pipes were completely frozen over and there were buckets out on the first floor to catch leaking water.

The basement has very tall ceilings

Old rock foundation in the basement

Close To Home

It appeared that whoever left this house left in a hurry leaving a lot behind. 

Photo boxes

Bathroom in the basement

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Abandoned Hospital

This abandoned hospital seems to have been a children's hospital. As you'll see in the pictures we had to climb over a tall fence to get in. This was a lot harder then I expected it to be and Nick made it look super easy. Let's just say it's a good thing there were no roads nearby to see me flailing over the fence.

The medical lab major in me was pretty psyched to find an abandoned hospital thinking I'd see old patient files or medical equipment. However, the place was very cleared out except for the maintenance building. We found signs in the hospital stating that it had moved to another location nearby.

Trust me, this fence was much more intimidating in real life.

Part of the back maintenance buildings.